Publications by year


Miri, S. J. and Naughton, M. (2026) (Editors) Edward Said and Critical Social Theory. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. [FORTHCOMING]

Miri, S. J. and Naughton, M. (2026) (Editors) Reza Davari’s Social Theory and Philosophy. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. [FORTHCOMING].


Naughton, M. (2025) Book chapter – TBC [FORTHCOMING]


Naughton, M. (2024) ‘He who pays the piper calls the tune: A critical analysis of the impact of governmental funding on the construction and deployment of forms of sociological knowledge and expertise.’  [FORTHCOMING]

Naughton, M. (2024) ‘A Freudian analysis of the competing groups on uncorroborated allegations of child sexual abuse.’ in Byrd, D. J. and Miri, S. J. (2024) Sigmund Freud as a Critical Social Theorist: Psychoanalysis and the Neurotic in Contemporary Society.  Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. [FORTHCOMING]

Naughton. M. (2024) ‘How the intransigence of the probation system can exacerbate the harm caused to innocent victims of false allegations and wrongful convictions.’ [FORTHCOMING]

Naughton, M. (2024) ‘Chris Henley’s KC review of the Criminal Cases Review Commission’s handling of the Andrew Malkinson case: A partisan trojan horse defence of the real possibility test.’ CCRC Watch. 24 July. (Click here for the article). 

Naughton, M. (2024) ‘Is Mr Bates vs the Post Office reviving a wider public concern for alleged innocent victims of wrongful convictions?’ University of Bristol Law School Blog. 24 June. (Click here for the article).

Naughton, M. (2024) ‘What if the police and prosecution were told to “believe all victims of false allegations”?’ University of Bristol Law School Blog. 22 January.  (Click here for the article).


Naughton, M. (2023) ‘Victim blaming and alleged innocent victims of false allegations and wrongful convictions .’ School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies (SPAIS) Working Papers. Working Paper No. 01-23. ISSN 2633-6359.  (Click here for the article).

Naughton, M. (2023) ‘Innocence art and the art of innocence.’ University of Bristol Law School Blog. 25 September. (Click here for the article).

Naughton, M. (2023) ‘Wrongful convictions: The “parole deal” and the “probation pact.”‘ False Allegations Watch (FAW). 6 September. (Click here for the article).

Naughton, M. (2023) ‘The urgent need to move from “believe the victim” to “question the allegation”: Why language matters.’ False Allegations Watch (FAW). 6 July. (Click here for the article).

Naughton, M. (2023) ‘Rape allegations and the inversion of the presumption of innocence.’ University of Bristol Law School Blog. 26 June. (Click here for the article).

Naughton, M. (2023) ‘False Allegations Forum (FAF).’ False Allegations Watch (FAW). 6 June. (Click here for the article).

Naughton. M. (2023) ‘The parable of the “rapist footballer.”’ False Allegations Watch (FAW). 8 March. (Click here for the article).

    • This article was reproduced in Wells, E. (2023) Unseen Victims: A guide for anyone who finds themselves the unseen victim of another’s sexual offending. (Click here for information on the book).

Naughton, M. (2023) ‘The case of Clive Freeman: Why the Criminal Cases Review Commission is in urgent need of reform.’ CCRC Watch. 24 March. (Click here for the article).

    • This article formed part of Clive Freeman’s 5th application to the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC), which was submitted on the 17 August 2023.

Naughton, M. (2023) ‘What if the CCRC had unlimited funding? A submission to the Law Commission’s consultation.’ University of Bristol Law School Blog. 23 January. Click here for the article.  


Naughton, M. (2022) ‘Theorising miscarriages of justice.’ Islamic Perspective. Published by the Institute for Critical Social Theory. Volume 28. Winter: 93-116. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2022) ‘False Allegations Watch (FAW).’  University of Bristol Law School Blog. 31 October. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2022) ‘CCRC Watch: Can we transform the current miscarriages of justice ‘lapdog’ into a genuine ‘watchdog’ body that can truly assist innocent victims to overturn their wrongful convictions?’ University of Bristol Law School Blog. 25 April. Click here for the article.


Naughton. M. (2021) ‘Does Jeremy Bamber have a human right to be released from prison with immediate effect?’ The Justice Gap. 22 March. Click here for the article.


Naughton, M. (2020) ‘Reimagining the law: Transcribing injustice.’ The Justice Gap. 2 July. Click here for the article. 

Naughton, M. (2020) ‘”I won’t stop until I die”: David Nash’s dying declaration of innocence.’ The Justice Gap. 20 May. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2020) ‘Why do university students in the UK buy assignments from essay mills?’ Critical Education. 11(10): 1-19. Click here for the article. 

Naughton, M. (2020) ‘Has anyone at the CCRC got the time, please?’ The Justice Gap. 27 January. Click here for the article.


Naughton, M. (2019) ‘Rethinking the competing discourses on uncorroborated allegations of child sexual abuse.’ The British Journal of Criminology. 59(2): 461–480. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2019) ‘The Westminster Commission on Miscarriages of Justice: Please forgive me, but I won’t be holding my breath.’ The Justice Gap. 6 September. Click here for the article.


Naughton, M. (2018) ‘Foreword’ in Diskin Bates, Michelle (2018) Stand Against Injustice: The untold story of the family of Barry George, wrongly convicted for the murder of Jill Dando. Malcolm Down Publishing Ltd. Click here for more information on the book and here for Michael’s Foreword.

Naughton, M. (2018) ‘Why the current DPP must be replaced with immediate effect and a royal commission on disclosure is urgently needed.’ University of Bristol Law School Blog. 23 January. Click here for the article.


Huff, C. R., and Naughton, M. (2017) ‘Wrongful conviction reforms in the U.S. and UK: Taking Stock’ (pages 482-505) in Plywaczewski, E. and Guzik-Makaruk, E. (2017) (Editors) Current Problems of the Penal Law and Criminology. 7th Edition. Warsaw, Poland: Ablewicz Publishing. Click here for information on the book and the chapter.

Naughton, M. (2017) ‘Panorama: Behind Bars: Prison Undercover.’ University of Bristol Law School Blog. 20 March. Click here for the article. 


Naughton, M. (2016) ‘Miscarriages of justice, wrongful convictions and victims’ in Corteen, K., Morley, S., Taylor, P., and Turner, J (2016) (Editors) A companion to crime, harm and victimisation. Bristol, United Kingdom: Policy Press. Click here for more information on the book and here for Michael’s piece.

Naughton, M. (2016) ‘Appeals Against Wrongful Convictions’ in Corteen, K., Morley, S., Taylor, P., and Turner, J (2016) (Editors) A companion to crime, harm and victimisation. Bristol, United Kingdom: Policy Press. Click here for more information on the book and and here for Michael’s piece.


Naughton, M. (2014) ‘Criminologizing wrongful convictions.’ The British Journal of Criminology. 54 (6): 1148-1166. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2014) ‘Gerry Conlon’s life is a reminder that wrongful convictions happen everywhere.’ The Conversation. 23 June. Click here for the article.


Naughton, M. and Tan, G. (2013) ‘Report of the Symposium on the Reform of the Criminal Cases Review Commission.’ (Printed by LexisNexis). Click here to download the report.

Naughton, M. (2013) The Innocent and the Criminal Justice System. (Palgrave Macmillan) Click here for information on the book.


Naughton, M. (2012) ‘The Criminal Cases Review Commission: Innocence versus safety and the integrity of the criminal justice system’. Criminal Law Quarterly. 58: 207-244. Click here for the article.

Burnside, J. and Naughton, M. (2012) ‘Semiotics, Miscarriages of Justice and the Trials of Jesus’ (pages 17-43) in  Rivlin, J. (2012) (Editor) Studies in Jewish Law In Honour of Bernard S. Jackson, Jewish Law Association Studies XX. Deborah Charles Publications. Click here for the chapter.

Naughton, M. (2012) ‘No champion of justice’ in Robins, J, (2012) Wrongfully Accused: Who is Responsible for Investigating Miscarriages of Justice? Jures. The Solicitors Journal: London. Click here for the chapter.


Naughton, M. (2011) ‘How the Presumption of Innocence Renders the Innocent Vulnerable to Wrongful Conviction.’ Irish Journal of Legal Studies. 2(1): 40-54. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. and Tan, G. (2011) ‘The need for caution in the use of DNA evidence to avoid convicting the innocent.’ International Journal of Evidence and Proof. 15(3): 245-257. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2011) ‘Truth, or evidence.’ Bristol Review of Books. July. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2011) ‘There’s still scope for debate on miscarriage of justice compensation.’ Law Society Gazette. May 19. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2011) ‘The Key Limitations of the CCRC’ in Jolicoeur, M. (2011) ‘International Perspectives on Wrongful Convictions’ Workshop Report, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington D. C. September 2010. Click here for the report.

Naughton, M. (2011) ‘Statutory Compensation for Victims of Miscarriages of Justice in England and Wales’ in Jolicoeur, M. (2011) ‘International Perspectives on Wrongful Convictions’ Workshop Report, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington D. C. September 2010. Click here for the report.

Naughton, M. (2011) ‘Foreword’ in FACT (2011) Presumed Guilty: The plight of falsely accused carers and teachers. Solihull: FACT.  Click here for the book.

Naughton, M. with Tan, G. (2011) Claims of Innocence: An introduction to wrongful convictions and how they might be challenged. (University of Bristol)

Click here for information on the book.

Click here for a free download of the book.

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Naughton, M. and Tan, G. (2010) ‘The Right to Access DNA Testing by Alleged Innocent Victims of Wrongful Convictions in the UK?’ International Journal of Evidence & Proof. 14(4): 326-345. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2010) ‘Why “safety in law” may fail the innocent – the case of Neil Hurley.’ The Guardian. 11 February. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2010) ‘Can lawyers put people before law?’ Socialist Lawyer. June: 30-32. Click here for the article.


Naughton, M. (2009) ‘Does the NOMS Risk Assessment Bubble Have to Burst for Prisoners Who May be Innocent to Make Progress?’ Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. 48(4): 357-372. Click here for the article

Naughton, M. (2009) ‘Prisoners Maintaining Innocence.’ IMB NEWS (Independent Monitoring Board for Prisons). Issue 16, November. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2009) ‘Students for Justice: The Innocence Network UK.’ The Guardian. 8 May. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2009) ‘Introduction’ in Naughton, M. (2009) (Editor) The Criminal Cases Review Commission: Hope for the Innocent? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Click here for more information on the book.

Naughton, M. (2009) ‘The importance of innocence for the criminal justice system’ in Naughton, M. (2009) (Editor) The Criminal Cases Review Commission: Hope for the Innocent? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Click here for more information on the book.

Naughton, M. (2009) ‘Conclusion’ in Naughton, M. (2009) (Editor) The Criminal Cases Review Commission: Hope for the Innocent? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Click here for more information on the book.

Naughton, M. (2009) (Editor) The Criminal Cases Review Commission: Hope for the Innocent? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Click here for information on the book.

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Naughton, M. (2008) ‘Factual Innocence versus Legal Guilt: The Need for a New Pair of Spectacles to view the Problem of Life-Sentenced Prisoners Maintaining Innocence.’ Prison Service Journal. 177: 32-37. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2008) ‘Justice must be seen to be done.’ The Guardian. 20 November. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2008) ‘Justice Undone.’ The Guardian. 20 June. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. and Price, J. (2008) ‘The Case for Innocence.’ The Legal Executive. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2008) ‘Resurrecting a concern for the innocent’ in 100: A collection of words and images to mark the centenary of the University of Bristol. Bristol: University of Bristol.  Click here for more information on the book.


Naughton, M. (2007) ‘Confronting an uncomfortable truth: Not all alleged victims of false accusations will be innocent!’ FACTion. 8-12. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2007) Rethinking miscarriages of justice: Beyond the tip of the iceberg. (Palgrave Macmillan)  Click here for information on book .

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Naughton, M. (2006) ‘Wrongful Convictions and Innocence Projects in the UK: Help, Hope and Education.’ Web Journal of Current Legal Issues. 3. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. and McCartney, C. (2006) ‘Innocence Projects in the UK: The story so far.’ The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education. 40(1): 74-79. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2006) ‘The Parole Board – Discredited?’ Inside Time – The National Monthly Newspaper for Prisoners. 81: 21.

Naughton, M. and Price, J. (2006) ‘Innocence projects: a perfect solution for clinical legal education?’ Directions: UK Centre for Legal Education. 13. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2006) ‘Innocence Projects.’ ScoLAG: Scottish Legal Action Group. 348. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2006) ‘Media Exposure – Building Relationships.’ Network: Newsletter of the British Sociological Association. Number 93, Spring. Click here for the article.


Naughton, M. (2005) ‘Miscarriages of justice and the government of the criminal justice system: an alternative perspective on the production and deployment of counter-discourse.’ Critical Criminology: An International Journal 13(2): 211-231. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2005) ‘Redefining miscarriages of justice: a revived human rights approach to unearth subjugated discourses of wrongful criminal conviction.’ The British Journal of Criminology. 45(2): 165-182. Click here for the article and Click here for Chinese translation.

Tan, G., Joyner, O. and Naughton, M. (2005) ‘The 4th Annual Miscarriage of Justice Day Meeting.’ Report for United Against Injustice (UAI). Inside Out. November.

Naughton, M. (2005) ‘The emergence of PPMI: Progressing Prisoners Maintaining Innocence.’ The Life Line: By lifers for Lifers at HMP Garth. August/September. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2005) ‘Evidence-based-policy’ and the government of the criminal justice system – only if the evidence fits!’ Critical Social Policy. 25(1): 47-69. Click here for the article

Naughton, M. (2005) ‘Why the Failure of the Prison Service and the Parole Board to Acknowledge Wrongful Imprisonment is Untenable.’ Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. 44(1): 1-11. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. and McCartney, C. (2005): ‘The Innocence Network UK.’ Legal Ethics. 7(2): 150-154. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2005) ‘Wrongly convicted by an incompetent court.’ The Observer. 13 January. Click here for the article.


Naughton, M. (2004) ‘The parole deal is not a “myth.”’ Inside Time: The National Monthly Newspaper for Prisoners. 59, May. Page 18.

Naughton, M. (2004) ‘An innocent objection to reduced sentences.’ The Observer. 23 September.

Naughton, M. and McCartney, C. (2004) ‘The Innocence Projects Colloquium: reporting a resounding success.’ Socio-Legal Newsletter. 44.

Naughton, M. (2004) ‘The wrongly imprisoned are still paying for crimes they didn’t commit.’ The Observer. 31 July. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2004) ‘What price freedom?’ The Observer. 21 March.

Naughton, M. (2004) ‘Reorientating miscarriages of justice’ (pages 101-113) in Hillyard, P. Pantazis, Tombs, S. and Gordon, D. (2004) (Editors) Beyond Criminology: Taking Harm Seriously. London: Pluto Press.
Click here for information on the book. 


Naughton, M. (2003) How big is the “iceberg?”: A zemiological approach to quantifying miscarriages of justice.’ Radical Statistics. 81: 5-17. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. and Green, A. (2003) ‘The 2nd Annual Miscarriage of Justice Day Meeting.’ Report for United Against Injustice (UAI). Inside Out. October.

Naughton, M. (2003) ‘The financial costs of miscarriages of justice.’ Report for Miscarriages of Justice Organisation (MOJO). House of Commons. 12 March.

Naughton, M. (2003) ‘The Criminal Justice Bill and the apparent sacrifice of the victims of miscarriages of justice.’ Inside Out. May.

Naughton, M. (2003) ‘Convicted for crimes that never happened.’ The Observer. 19 October. Click here for the article.

Naughton, M. (2003) ‘Our shoddy treatment of victims of injustice.’ The Observer. 16 March. Click here for the article.


Naughton, M. (2002) ‘Is the criminal justice system really ineffectual in obtaining conviction?’ Inside Out. July.

Naughton, M. (2002) ‘The scales of injustice.’ The Observer. 28 July. Click here for the article.


Naughton, M. (2001) ‘Wrongful convictions: towards a zemiological analysis of the tradition of criminal justice system reform.’ Radical Statistics. 76: 50-65. Click here for the article.